About Dr. Smiskol

Dr. Lori Smiskol

Imagine living your life to the fullest – stress and Pain-free, and fully empowered!

It can be your reality too! Dr. Lori Smiskol BCND, CNHP, PMA is a Psychic Intuitive, Traditional Naturopath, Certified Reflexologist and Bio-Energetic Practitioner. She specializes in Vibrational Medicine, Electroceutical Therapy and and other natural therapies to help you live life to the fullest, pain-free and with reduced or no inflammation.

Lori Smiskol BCND, CNHP, PMA is a new breed. She is a Traditional Naturopath, Certified Reflexologist, Reiki Master and Bio-Energetic Practitioner. She applies all of these Wellness therapies as well as her intuitive services to work together synergistically for a total approach to healing the body, mind, and spirit. Dr. Lori is also a teacher, international speaker and writer. She has been a featured healer and intuitive at the Center For The New Age in Sedona Az as a world class psychic and reiki healer/teacher for three years and is now working online with thousands of clients referrals from all over the world.

She began her Wellness Services after going through a life-changing experience in 2013. Dr. Lori Smiskol left her unfulfilled life to become a single mom to follow her passion for helping others to heal naturally without pain meds and surgery. She now helps people Live Stress-Free and Pain-Free, fully functioning lives. Her work is life-changing, and that really can exist for you too!

Vibrational Medicine or Electoceuticals is the next wave of Natural Wellness for chronic and or acute pain and inflammation. I have found in my training and seminars with medical experts including a leading NASA Doctor, Lyme MD specialists, Chiropractic Doctors, and a world-renowned Homeopathic Ph.D. Doctor, that almost all health conditions are caused by inflammation and pain is the symptom. Bacterial, viral, fungal, infections and even parasites are usually the cause of most health conditions, but MD Doctors don’t know how to help these conditions except to manage the symptoms of the underlying health condition with medications or surgeries. Most doctors are not taught how to diagnose and treat the cause, since to a large degree, the pharmaceutical companies dictate what they learn at all medical institutions.

The problem is the Doctors in our current medical system have been trained to treat the symptoms not the root cause our Doctors are still dealing with. The root cause is not addressed after these health measures are prescribed which can eventually worsen the health condition and escalate other health conditions.

Dr. Lori addresses the underlying cause of an illness or condition which can usually address the symptoms within a few sessions. In some cases we find that symptoms can take up to 8 months or sometimes longer depending on your health condition and the length of time of the illness. We also give priority to Stress-Free living to accomplish our vision in working with the full body, mind and spirit approach to full health and vitality. Our emphasis is on not waiting until a condition becomes an emergency situation – as that is when Doctors are needed for more critical and invasive interventions, and do their best work. We empower your natural health and wellness through our Vibrational Medicine and Wellness services and bring your body, mind and spirit back to its optimum health. We also work with your Doctors and get you back on the road to recovery and your best healthy self!

We use the Wellness Pro Plus along with other vibrational therapies such as offering stem cell patches now to rejuvenate your own stem cells. We have helped thousands of people with everything from chronic and acute pain and inflammation such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, back pain, knee, hip, neck and shoulder pain, carpal tunnel, neuropathy, plantar fasciitis, and so many more health conditions.

Our services include a full Wellness consult and Zyto body scan, Reflexology, Wellness Pro Plus, Far Infrared Sauna, Crystal Light Bed and Brain Tap.

As an intuitive, Dr.Lori has had her own mystical experiences as a child like seeing spirits in her room and seeing geometric light symbols in her vision when she closed her eyes as a child. That was just the beginning. Then at 19 years old in college this force would come over her and she felt she couldn’t move or breathe for sometimes minutes as she would fight to come back to this world. She felt like an invisible force was trying to take her out of her body so she fought it until she could fight it no longer.

She was exhausted. She knew after a brief session with a psychiatrist,  they diagnosed it as sleep paralysis. The only way they could help was with sleeping pills. So Lori decided to take them for only a month and she made a promise to God that if force came back she would have to face it and go with it and allow herself to leave her body. It was the scariest decision she ever had to make.

Little did she know this would lead her to worlds she couldn’t even imagine. When the sleeping pills were gone, the force came back with a vengeance that could not be ignored or suppressed. Lori said a prayer and asked God to be with her and bring her back safely.and don’t let her die. The next thing she knew she let go and found herself flying and going right through the ceiling. She felt weightless and exhilarated as she was soaring and seeing the seasons changing right in front of her as if she was going into the future and then she was launched out into the universe like a rocket and the next thing she knew she was in another world. and she was sitting in a classroom.

She wondered who was the teacher? When she looked up she was in shock and awe. It was Jesus and he was beaming at her, like she was supposed to be in that classroom. She gasped which shocked her back into her body immediately. She didn’t want to leave, even though she had fought against this force for months until she could fight no more. It was the unknown that scared her and she realized in that moment there was nothing to fear. She dedicated her life to proving this was real and she is currently writing a book about her experiences and a TV series with writers working on the pilot.

We invite you to a deep relaxation experience and to reduce any area of chronic or acute pain and inflammation to help you live a fully functioning life and live pain-free again! Sedona Quantum Wellness is the next wave to Wellness!

Real Results

Vibrational Medicine or Electro-Medical Technologies is the next wave of Natural Wellness for chronic and or acute pain and inflammation.

I have found in my training and seminars being taught by a leading NASA Doctor, Lyme MD specialists, Chiropractors, and a world-renowned Homeopathic Ph.D. Doctor that almost all health conditions are caused by inflammation and pain is the symptom. Bacterial, viral, fungal, infections and even parasites are usually the cause of most health conditions but MD Doctors don’t know how to help these conditions except to manage the health condition with pain meds or surgeries. They simply are not taught that, since the pharmaceutical companies dictate what they learn at all medical institutions.

The problem is the Doctors in our current medical system have been trained to treat the symptoms not the root cause our Doctors are still dealing with. The root cause is not addressed after these health measures are prescribed which can eventually worsen the health condition and escalate other health conditions. More meds are prescribed then.

We address this cause at Sedona Quantum Wellness which eventually can take care of the symptoms usually within a few sessions up to 8 months and sometimes it can go longer depending on your health condition and how long you have had it. We also give priority to Stress-Free living to accomplish our vision in working with the full body, mind and spirit approach to healthy living. Our emphasis is not waiting until it does become an emergency situation as that is when Doctors are needed and do their best work. We empower your natural health and wellness through our Vibrational Medicine and Wellness services here and bring your body, mind and spirit back to its optimum health.

We are here to work with your Doctors and get you back on the road to recovery and your best healthy self!

Please call for your free 20-minute complimentary consultation by phone or in the office and find out how you can receive your 9-minute Live Pain-Free demo session too! (817) 894-9222

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Lori Smiskol
Sedona Quantum Wellness
Sedona, AZ